It should, hopefully, guide you while you’re picking the best EQ for AirPods. Make sure you never use the contour switch. Graphic Equalizer settings for Singing Voice.Bass instruments and kick drums begin here but can only be heard with a subwoofer. In the past I’ve made a special equalizer preset for super deep bass and people seem to like it quite a lot. 5 Select the Hz range 100 Hz & 300 Hz for Bass changes. Now, to consider EQ in relation to voice. Let’s look at some bass amps that have proven to work great for funk.When talking about slap bass, we are dealing simultaneously with the 2 opposite ends of the eq spectrum: This is an easy step by step guide on how to apply the best Answer: None. It’s best to set your lows at a slightly below 0db.
Cutting the Bass can also help to obtain clear and better Bass.